
By ordering our product, you are sharing our passion... taking the initiative to improve you and your loved ones’ health.

Due to the amazing response from the life-changing results of the new C60live Blackseed Gel Caps, we have partnered with the premier, state-of-the-art gel cap manufacturing facility to meet the ever-increasing demand. As new products arrive, orders will be promptly fulfilled in the sequence they were received.

At Live Longer Labs, we are consistently researching, striving to create new solutions to improve health and increase quality of life.

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Help Your Liver Function as It Should

Avoid Contact with Toxins

Your everyday products, such as shampoo, aerosol, and cleaners, contain potentially harmful substances that damage your liver. Choose products and brands that primarily use natural ingredients and components to limit exposure to toxins.

Drink in Moderation

Excessive drinking significantly damages liver cells that can lead to the swelling or scarring and may advance to liver cirrhosis. According to the US government guidelines, men should drink no more than two drinks a day and women only one.

Choose Liver Cleansing Foods

Liver cleansing foods contain minerals that stimulate the liver function at its best and expel the toxins from the body. Some of these foods are garlic, walnuts, cruciferous vegetables, green tea, apple, carrots, beets, turmeric, avocado, and citrus fruits.

C60 is Scientifically Proven to Protect the Liver

Research published in 2016 had concluded that C60 fullerene possesses potentially powerful liver-protection capabilities that inhibit inflammation and improve liver function. The infusion of C60 with olive, avocado, coconut, and black seed oils, which also possess liver protection and damage reversal effects, can help you preserve a healthier liver and enhance your overall health.