
By ordering our product, you are sharing our passion... taking the initiative to improve you and your loved ones’ health.

Due to the amazing response from the life-changing results of the new C60live Blackseed Gel Caps, we have partnered with the premier, state-of-the-art gel cap manufacturing facility to meet the ever-increasing demand. As new products arrive, orders will be promptly fulfilled in the sequence they were received.

At Live Longer Labs, we are consistently researching, striving to create new solutions to improve health and increase quality of life.

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You’re Exposed to
Toxins Everyday

Toxins from the pollution around you seep into your body unnoticed. They penetrate deep into your systems and contribute to the development of heart diseases, brain degeneration, and cancer, which can lead to early death.

You Can Stop Pollution from Further Damaging Your Body

Cut Exposure to Air Pollution

Make smart lifestyle choices such as using purifiers to filter air at home, avoiding heavily trafficked roads, and using air-filtering face masks when outdoors.

Ensure Clean Water Sources

Be aware of where your water comes from. Create your safety measures to keep the water as safe and clean as possible. Also, stay away from using plastic water bottles, including the reusable ones.

Live and Eat Green

Choose to eat vegetables and fruits more often because these foods contain vitamins and minerals that protect the body from the harmful effects of pollution, free radicals, and oxidative stress.

Guard Yourself Using Scientifically-Proven Natural Antioxidants

The C60 antioxidant oil blends of Live Longer Labs allow you to neutralize pollutants and toxins from damaging your body. They’re expertly formulated using 100% organic and purest grade oil extracts of black seed, avocado, coconut, and olive that contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents to help your body fight pollution more efficiently.